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Ways to reduce your tax before 30 June 2015! – Strategy 7: Realise Capital Losses

The end of the 2014/15 financial year is fast approaching, so now’s the time to review what strategies you can use to minimise your tax.

  • Realise Capital Losses

Tax is normally payable on any capital gains. You should consider selling any non-performing investments you hold before 30 June to crystallise a capital loss and reduce or even eliminate any potential capital gains tax liability. Unused capital losses can be carried forward to offset future capital gains.

Contact us before the 30 June 2015 deadline for assistance to reduce your tax!

Email: [email protected] or call  Julian on 0408033696


This information is general nature and does not take into account your individual needs and objectives.

Please do not act on any information before seeking advice from a qualified Accountant and a licensed Financial Planner.